A huge shout out to some very generous folks!! Pacific Steel has donated the roofing, Noble Panels cut us a price break for the metal, ProBuild of Kennewick offered us a price break + discount on the plywood which in turn allowed the donation from Mark and Lorrie Whiting to buy all of the plywood for our first two shelters. Adding all of the previous donations already provided by our supporters, we are now going to be able to pull it all together this weekend and there isn't a more critical time to have it happen. Nothing happens without all of you cheering for us, donating to us, and we are so incredibly humbled by your generosity. This weather is terrible, and the horses thank you for offering them a haven from the cold and wind. The photo represents what ours will look like, although we are sealing the plywood with grey paint for weather proofing, so they will withstand moisture and sterilization.
It is our goal to have a shelter at each foster location, but for now our home base will have two...and that is a huge, HUGE blessing. Thank you ALL!!